Avoiding the 10 Biggest Marketing Money Pits

By avoiding these money pits, you will also:

#1 - Mistaking promotion for marketing.

Marketing is NOT promotion . . . . Marketing IS . . . .

All the steps in creating and delivering a service (or product) to a defined target.

  • Service development
  • Pricing
  • Distribution (place)
  • People / service delivery
  • Positioning / identity
  • Promotion

Why it’s costing you: If you’re not selling something that appeals to pet owners, meets their needs, hits their “hot buttons” and creates a preference for your services over someone else’s, no amount of promotion in the world will fix it.


#2 - Trying to do marketing without clearly defined goals.

What you get: marketing that’s “all over the map”

Goals are needed to:

  • Focus efforts
  • Capitalize on opportunities
  • Overcome obstacles
  • Define targets
  • Set priorities
  • Allocate resources
  • Measure results

Why it’s costing you: Trying to “be everything to everybody” is a losing proposition.


#3 - Operating without a “diagnosis.”

Listen before you do anything!

Analyze the market:

  • Identify opportunities & obstacles
  • Know your clients
  • Know local pet owners
  • Know the competition

Why it’s costing you:

  • Missed opportunities
  • Unaddressed problems
  • Lack of focus
  • Difficult to define goals!


#4 - Not measuring results.

If you can’t measure it, don’t do it.

All marketing efforts should relate to marketing goals.

  • Why are we doing this?
  • What impact will this have on the practice?
  • How will we determine our success?

Why it’s costing you:

  • Repeating same mistakes.
  • Not sure what works and what doesn’t .
  • Unclear where to focus future efforts.


#5 - Marketing that’s practice-focused instead of client-focused.

Marketing has to resonate

Being client-focused means you understand their needs & deliver what’s:

  • In touch with those needs
  • Meaningful & relevant
  • Of VALUE to them

Why it’s costing you: “Push” marketing no longer works. Consumers are most sophisticated and have more choices. Consumers believe each other more than they believe you.


#6 - Focusing only on new client attraction.

It costs less to grow the clients you have

Before reaching out for more clients:

  • Track retention.
  • Who stays and who leaves?
  • Why do they leave?
  • Who are best clients?

Why it’s costing you:

  • IIt costs 5-7 times  more to get a new customer than to keep and  grow an existing one.
  • Dissatisfied clients cost you money and reputation.


##7 - Trying to be everything to everybody.

You risk reaching no one.

No segmentation means:

  • Messages are diluted
  • Unable to tailor efforts to groups sharing similar needs
  • Diminished credibility
  • Difficult to distinguish from competition

Why it’s costing you:

  • The most effective messages are FOCUSED messages.
  • TToday, getting through the “clutter” is difficult; messages must be meaning and relevant.
  • It’s hard to be relevant when “one size fits all.”


#8 - Delegating marketing to one person.

Marketing should be everyone’s job . . . .

Marketing is NOT a series of TASKS . . . It’s the WAY in Which you RUN YOUR BUSINESS.

Why it’s costing you: If everyone’s not pulling together you will have:

  • Inconsistent service delivery
  • Client confusion
  • Missed opportunities
  • Disconnect


#9 - NOT hiring professional help.

Professionals provide strategic guidance . . . .

Outside objectivity will see your practice in a whole different way.

Why it’s costing you:

  • Often too close to spot problems.
  • Marketing is highly complex and affects every aspect of your business.


#10 - HIRING professional help.

Focus them!

The more focused, the more productive marketing efforts will be.

Why it’s costing you:

  • Unclear goals to guide efforts.
  • Retainers and hourly rates often not connected to goals.
  • Delegating tasks instead of collaboration.
  • SSpinning wheels!

To obtain a pdf of this presentration, email Lindaw@LWmarketworks.com.